The Best Business Plan For Starting a Business in Eastern Ontario

Starting a small business is a wonderful way to connect with your community, provide valuable and unique local resources, and take on new and exciting challenges. With that in mind, starting a business can feel like a daunting task. 

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur starting a small business in Eastern Ontario? Are you located in Belleville, Quinte West, Tyendinaga, Stirling-Rawdon, or Deseronto?  Take a look at our Business Plan Template to help you navigate the ins and outs of business start-up and success — it might not look so daunting after all. 

Check out our page, Starting a Small Business in Ontario, to find resources on business start-up in your specific area. Read on to learn more about Trenval’s business development services and planning support! 

The Small Business Landscape in Eastern Ontario

If you’ve done a bit of research, you might know that Ontario is one of the most competitive places in Canada for small businesses, so it can be hard to get started. However, this high rate of competition and the density of small businesses also means that there are a multitude of resources and opportunities available and accessible to business owners. At Trenval, we help plan and finance business start-ups, expansions and successions, and we’ve invested over 36.5 million dollars in the Bay of Quinte area community. We know what it takes to design and execute expert business plans, build your unique business and brand and create exciting local job opportunities. Get in touch about our free consultation for local businesses. 

What You’ll Find in Our Free Business Plan Template

If you haven’t started a business before (or even if you have), it can sometimes seem like there are a million and one things to do before you even think about your first customer. In some ways, there are — but these “to-dos” don’t need to be a chore — they can actually help you build a stronger understanding of your business, and eventually serve your community, your employees and yourself better! Here are a few of the things you’ll need to fill out in our free Business Plan Template:

Company Profile - This is all about who you are — including your history, management, location, goals and mission. 

Market Research - In this section, you’ll need to ask yourself some very specific questions: who is your target audience? What does the local market look like, and who are your key competitors?

Sales & Marketing - Here, you can drill deeper on all things marketing! With your target audience in mind, ask yourself: what interests them? What kind of marketing is effective in this location? How will your marketing work flow smoothly and efficiently into the sales process, and what will that look like?

Operations - A simple overview of what the day-to-day will look like at your business. Where are you located? Will you need a storefront and a reliable staff team? What kind of licenses and insurance do you need? 

Financials - The hard stuff. All about money, financing and making sure you hit the ground running with a realistic, achievable financial plan. 

Our Business Plan Template uses detailed, concrete examples, so filling it out for yourself is easy! As a small business owner, the first year is usually the hardest. At Trenval, we can help you fill out the gaps and support you throughout your business development journey.

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